Side Events

In summer as well as in winter Vorarlberg offers varied activities amidst impressive natural scenery between mountains and lake.

Sonnenaufgangswanderung Diedamskopf, Au-Schoppernau
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72 results
Skyspace Lech - so close to the sky

Cultural highlight, architectural challenge and a holistic experience of space, light and time. SkyspaceLech is a work of art in the medium of light and is also a part of a worldwide series of art by the internationally renowned artist James Turrell. 

To Kässpätzle and beyond

Some call it Kässpätzle, others Käsknöpfle: the main thing is lots of melted cheese. Whatever the weather, this attracts connoisseurs to one of the Alpine huts and restaurants where the secret national dish is served.


The practice of hunting using a bow and arrow on skis has been handed down from prehistoric rock paintings in the far north. These days, this form of hunting is known as the biathlon and has become a trendy sport. Shooting with a steady hand after completing the cross-country skiing demands mental strength and precision, and even if there is no cross-country skiing involved, you still need to shoot, with all that is involved.

Active Team experience programme

This varied accompanying programme may be tailored to the group’s individual needs and consists of different team elements. The format is flexible and is therefore suitable for integrating subjects specific to the groups into the programme. 

Frau Kaufmann's cookery lesson

The winner of the Vorarlberg Tourismus innovation prize attracts any amount of delighted pupils to her exceptional cookery school. In the traditional Engel restaurant in Egg, old recipes are re-interpreted, with the kitchen and the shop revolving around people and the creation and enjoyment of everyday dishes.

Outdoor escape games

An anti-virus needs to be found within the next two hours, it’s the only way to save the population from disaster. Equipped with iPads and an agent case, the teams must set off on their adventure to solve numerous tasks at a total of 15 stations in Dornbirn’s city centre.

Cheese workshop

The secret behind cheese-making is much less complicated than you’d think. All you need to make your own cream cheese is half a day’s time, a few litres of milk, the right recipe and ingredients – and an introduction into cheese-making at one of the region’s professional alpine dairies.

Roast'n Roll – Barbecue course with Tom Heinzle

Known as the ‘King of Grill’, Vorarlberg’s master of barbecues Tom Heinzle has long since made a name for himself on the international cooking scene. He has put an end to the myth that barbecuing is an activity only for the summer.

Build an igloo

The Inuits’ traditional construction methods are being increasingly cultivated in the mountains around here, especially since team building presents an essential factor for success when it comes to constructing an igloo. As well as a shovel and saw, you need a portion of stamina to build a viable igloo residence.

Cocktail course at s’Frie

The “s'Frie Café” at the Adler Appartmenthaus in Schoppernau, guests feel completely at ease. To ensure nothing is left to chance, the team has an enticing programme ready: a cocktail course.

Birdsclub in the Rheindelta

The Rhine Delta nature reserve extends over an area of 2,000 hectares and is characterised by alluvial forests, wet and bedding meadows, reed beds and extensive sandy beaches and is a breeding and resting ground for birds.

Soapbox building with rally

Creative minds and technical skills are required here. The task is to build a soapbox that can be raced from pre-made kits. There are no limits to creativity here. The next two hours will see participants fastening, measuring, building, glueing, painting and carrying out several test runs.

Ski jump Montafon Nordic

Anyone who has ever wondered how to learn ski jumping without falling can now try it out for themselves. Following a thorough introduction by expert trainers, you take to the ski jump and face your fears. Your first jumps are on a small, mobile K4 ski jump. Then you can try out a few jumps on the ramp of the HS22 ski jump.

Into the gorge – canyoning tour

Canyoning involves walking from the top to bottom of Vorarlberg’s most beautiful gorges using a wide variety of different types of movement: from simple walking and easy climbing to abseiling, sliding and jumping, everything is included. Admittedly, it sounds a bit intimidating at first, but the tours are accompanied by guides and the level of difficulty and the choice of gorge is always tailored to the group. 

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Tastebuds and Team Spirit: Cooking with Livi

If your team is short of ideas for activities or a Christmas party, look no further than Livia Begle’s workshops. Cooking together allows everyone to think outside the box, try new dishes and get to know their colleagues better. 

Lisa Rädler
Lisa Rädler
Project Management
Katharina Matt
Katharina Matt
Project Management

Side Events

It would be a shame to let a conference or congress programme in Vorarlberg come to an end without enjoying one of the numerous natural or cultural activities on offer here. One of the playful team-building exercises is the perfect way to wind down following the intensive exchange of insights. Or maybe you prefer to finish your meeting with a sensorial flourish, and enjoy a culinary highlight from the regional cuisine?

Irrespective of how much time you have at your disposal, whether it is summer or winter, indoors or out, the region offers the most varied challenges imaginable.  Set against breath-taking natural backdrops, between the mountain and the lake, between the lowlands of the Rhine Valley and the peaks of the Piz Buin.

Group activities as well as time-out alone are quite simply refreshing for the soul, and give you the chance to experience and absorb the extraordinary, before you get back to everyday life.

The cultural pastimes in the region are on the lively side and of a high quality. The Bregenz Festival – held on the world’s largest lake stage – functions as a culture magnet. The Schubertiade, the Bregenzer Frühling dance festival, the Kunsthaus Bregenz and, it goes without saying, Vorarlberg architecture, are also very popular amongst visitors.

Making a decision is hard – the best thing to do is to take advantage of the advice offered by the team at the Convention Partner Vorarlberg, in order to draw up the perfect package for you.